Science, Initial formation, Social RepresentationsAbstract
This article must discuss the imagery representations of being a scientist by students of the Pedagogy course through the application of the activity “my perception of being a scientist” with nine students enrolled in the discipline “Content and Methodology of Science Teaching.” In the methodological perspective, this qualitative research used social representations through the drawing and written narratives of the participating subjects. The analysis movement was anchored in Bardin (2016), showing three categories from the collected data, namely: a) hero scientist; b) laboratory scientist; and c) the woman in science. The results denounce the stereotyped view of the scientist, associating him, mostly, to the laboratory environment and with extraordinary attributes, so that, through the analysis, we believe that such an understanding may be linked to the media emphasis given to this face of the scientist. In addition, the work identified the low representation of the woman scientist in the undergraduates' drawings, revealing historical and social issues that mark the trajectory and gender disparity in science. Therefore, the study brings essential elements for new investigations and discussions in the context of teacher training, especially on the practices, areas of activity and the multifaceted nature of being a scientist.
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