Sunday School. Pedagogical Practice. Social Pedagogy. Non-Formal Education.Abstract
This article presents an excerpt from the course completion research. Our objectives were to investigate how the pedagogical practices of teachers who work in non-formal education in Sunday Schools in Itambé-BA take place. For operationalization, we raised the following specific objectives: to identify the pedagogical practices of non-formal education teachers in Sunday Schools; investigate the training of Sunday School teachers; and, reflect on the possible points of contribution of Pedagogy to Sunday School. The historical context based the educational and educational matrix of these spaces, in the theoretical discussion, as well as in the understanding of Social Pedagogy, in its appropriations and practices. The methods used in this case study were documental analysis, questionnaire and semi-structured interview. The results show that Sunday School has a coherent pedagogical practice, with a focus on respecting the age range of each class, thus being an expression of Social Pedagogy. In the considerations, we point out that, to the Sunday School teacher, training in the area of Education is not required, but the need for specific training is observed, demonstrating that the formative knowledge of Pedagogy can favor the resolution of didactic-methodological difficulties encountered in these practices.
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