Literacy; Constructed Knowledge; Pedagogical practices; lay teachers.Abstract
This article, forged from a broader research entitled “Trajectories, Knowledge and Literacy Practices of Lay Teachers from the Interior of Bahia”, linked to the Carolina Maria de Jesus Nucleus, aims to understand the conceptions and meanings of literacy present in the teachers' narratives, identifying how they articulate with the pedagogical actions. To this end, the theorists mobilized to support the reflections are: Almeida (2001), Santos and Haiashida (2017), Manke (2006), among others who contributed greatly to a better understanding of the issues that cross the theme in question. Methodologically, this study is based on qualitative research, with emphasis on the life history method using the interview. The results reveal that although the teachers consider literacy to be the fundamental basis, they present a limited conception of the process, expressed in the pedagogical work of each one of them and in the activities selected to teach reading and writing (synthetic method), consistent with the understanding of time, the few materials available to teach literacy (ABC, notebooks and primers) and the influences received in her school life, with her primary teachers and a more experienced teacher (Água-marinha). However, despite the difficulties faced, they are proud of the work done.
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