Experimentation, Contextualization, Chemical Education, Thematic WorkshopAbstract
This study aimed to analyze the limits and potential of the development of a thematic workshop in understanding the importance of Basic Sanitation, from a sewage treatment perspective. This qualitative and field research was developed in the Preparatory Study Group for the Enem of the Tecelendo Program of the Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia. The experimentation and contextualization have been used as a pedagogical strategy in organizing the workshop to help educate students involved, allowing it to be worked with a theme that was directly linked to its social context. The results obtained signaled that the strategy used enabled students for better understand the chemical knowledge present in their daily lives. Students signaled the scarcity of time as the limit of the proposal, as they pointed out that the duration of the intervention was not sufficient for more learning that is meaningful. In addition, the workshop had a punctual methodology, not being sufficient to consolidate chemical concepts in a contextualized perspective. The contribution of this work consisted of promoting dialogues about the possibility of diversifying the didactic mediation of the teacher in the classroom and as a potential for dialogue in the development of contextualized experimental proposals for Chemical Education.
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