Content typologies, I teach Science, Fungi, PIBIDAbstract
In this work we present the results of the analysis of the classes of a Teaching Sequence on the content of Fungi with students of the 5th year of Elementary School in a public school. The objective was to analyze the types of content (conceptual, attitudinal, procedural and factual) covered in the classes considering that the contents of Microbiology are related to themes that allow the teacher to work on other contents besides the conceptual contents. The classes were planned by students participating in the Institutional Project for Teaching Initiation Scholarship - PIBID Interdisciplinary Science under the guidance of the 5th year Science teacher. As main results it was noticed that, although the PIBID scholarship holders were constantly immersed in reading activities and discussions of topics such as teaching planning, experimentation in Science teaching, among others, thinking about planning that considered other learning beyond the conceptual one was a challenge . In general, the classes presented a traditional bias, prioritizing the teaching / learning of conceptual contents. Even the experimental practical activity, which would allow focusing on procedures and attitudes, was approached eminently with a proof of what had been presented in the theoretical classes. In addition, the interaction between fellows and students took place from an authoritative discourse, leading them to a certain point of view, that of school science. In general, the observed results lead to reflections on the teacher training process in undergraduate courses with regard to the relationship between theoretical knowledge and “doing” manifested in practice.
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