Secondary Student Movement, Daily, Political Participation, School Occupations.Abstract
This work analyzed the transformations of the school space from the high school students’ occupations that occurred in 2016, having as reference the movement of the Federal Institute of Rio Grande do Sul - Campus Pelotas. During the occupation, students created diaries and publications on a social network to inform society about the organization of the movement and, based on these materials, we developed this analysis. In this sense, we understand the occupation movement as a questioner and stressor of daily life and of the structural relations of the school that made possible a transformation of this space. When organizing the occupation movements, students demonstrate a response to the idea that youth is depoliticized and without the ability to articulate. We point to the continuity of the movement since some of the individuals involved developed an awareness of political participation. They have brought questions and the ability to mobilize other social spheres and political actors for actions that generate changes in the dominant structures of society. Finally, we consider the political articulation of the movement to be relevant in the dispute of social thought, through a break with crystallizations of the daily life of the capital order reproduced in the formative institutions of thought.
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