Capitalism, Education, Social Relationships, Historical-Critical PedagogyAbstract
The present work sought to consider the foundations of Historical-Critical Pedagogy as theoretical and methodological guidance in schools in the countryside and a critical andemancipatory environmental education, in the perspective of contributing to the awareness and transformation of the crises that characterize the current global reality. In the development of the research, we chose to apprehend knowledge as a result of thehistorical process, characterized by the action of man itself, immersed in the constant agitation of social formations and transformations, which move from the whole to the parts and from the parts to the whole, determining a circular synthesis of the conformity of the context and the need for approximation, or distance between the researcher and the researched object, since the knowledge considered through its social function enables the enrichment of human existence itself, that is, praxis in its dimension transformative. We can affirm that the conception of society, of the human being and of the Education of Historical-Critical Pedagogy, significantly affects the possibilities of understanding and the development of education, particularly with regard tothe omnilateral formation of the subjects who live and work in the rural environment, based on a specific social practice, aware of the local reality and the demands of the globalized world
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