Pedagogical practice, Science teacher in training, Training program, Covid-19 pandemicAbstract
This communication presents an exercise in critical reflection when documenting the organization of the Investigative Pedagogical Practice (PPI) of a teacher training program during the situation that emerges from the Covid-19 pandemic. The PPI is an outstanding training space for taking the teacher in training to occupy the role of the teacher, so that from that position they build knowledge of the profession. Hence, the importance of reflecting on the ways in which this space was configured in the pandemic. The documentation of the PPI was made from the analysis of: 1) the study plan of the program of interest, 2) the micro-curricula of the thematic units (courses) that make up the PPI, 3) a survey of students of the thematic units , and 4) a survey of the teachers of the thematic units. The surveys were collected with virtual ethnography. As findings, it is found that the PPI was modified emphasizing the exercise of planning and innovation related to the use of materials and technological platforms. The articulation of theory and practice is restricted to pilots and case studies with small groups.
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