Estágio, Gestão Educacional e Escolar, Formação Inicial, Curso de PedagogiaAbstract
The internship is a necessary curricular component for the initial training of teachers, understood as a theory-practice articulation, involving the research process and contributing to critical and reflective training. Based on the authors' teaching practice, this study aims to problematize the practices developed remotely in the discipline of Supervised Curricular Internship in Management in Basic Education, from the conception of the Research Internship, listing its limitations and possibilities. Through the experience report of the teachers working in that discipline, in the Pedagogy Degree course, and the bibliographic survey of the theoretical framework of Pimenta e Lima (2017) and Ghedin, Oliveira and Almeida (2015), the approaches used are presented adaptation to internship practices during remote teaching. It is concluded that the realization of the remote internship faced limitations with regard to the insertion in the culture and school routine and monitoring of educational processes with regard to practices with students, teachers and the community, however, through new approaches, the organization was recognized the educational space of the school, and above all the role of the principal and pedagogical coordinator in the face of their demands and the challenges imposed by the pandemic.
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