Freirian liberation. Mathematics education. Decolonial Transcomplex. Of construction.Abstract
In the middle of the centenary of the birth of the wanderer of utopia: Paulo Freire, Transcomplex Decolonial Mathematical Education ratifies its liberating heritage of the pedagogue's works attending to two essential senses: the ontoepistemological liberation of mathematics in education and the love for the actors of said process. Freirian love that is permeated with an act of courage. In the midst of the crisis of Mathematics Education today the complex objective is fulfilled: to analyze the dyad: Paulo Freire - Transcomplex Decolonial Mathematical Education as an insurrection in a liberating key. Accomplished with the rhizomatic deconstruction, transmethod where the objects of studies are reconstructed under execrated collaborators in the traditional investigations of Mathematical Education. The complex categories: inclusion, anthropolitics, ecosophy, diatopia, among others in the rhizomatic reconstruction permeate mathematics as a science and Mathematics Education with its investigations of the mathematics of the execrated civilizations in the South. Freirian liberation allows a complex and transdisciplinary process of construction and reconstruction of mathematical knowledge framed in the line of research entitled: Paulo Freire: the walker of utopia in transmethodologies.
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