Mídias na educação, Paulo Freire, Práxis docente (re)existente.Abstract
The present investigation aimed to identify the legacy of Paulo Freire to the constitution of the (re)existing teaching praxis in view of the insertion of media in education in a dialogical perspective. A theoretical research was carried out, directed to the studies of Paulo Freire on the subject. Based on dialogicity and criticality, it establishes relationships that can be enhanced by the media and proposes a political reflection on its role in dialogic education, considering its intentions. Is this regard, the insertion of media in the teaching praxis does not overshadow the presence of the teacher in the process, but enhances it, signaling a new way of existing in it. The text points to the contributions of Freire to a dialogic education permeated by the media for the 21st century. It challenges new perceptions of education, school, teacher, politics, media, and warns about student protagonism and rigor in school spaces, in addition to the need to (re)exist through the consolidation of dialogue, as a founding principle of teaching praxis.
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