Brincar livre, Desenho livre, Educação Infantil, CriançaAbstract
This work aims to reflect on the right and importance of games and free drawing in early childhood education. Playing and drawing are fundamental activities in this teaching stage, as the child will develop in an integral way, in its physical, social, cultural, affective and cognitive aspects. Thus, this study will provide a more conscious reading about the relevance of playing and drawing in human beings' lives, especially in children's lives. To this end, we resorted to the assumptions of bibliographical research and studies on the subject, dialoguing with some theorists, with guiding documents and with the knowledge acquired during our academic trajectory. A bibliographical review of the subject was carried out, which made it possible to support the study. It is a qualitative approach and consists of exploratory research. Through this work, we reach the conclusion that it is necessary for teachers to recognize the importance of playing and free drawing in the children's school environment, since playful activities contribute to child development and, therefore, it is up to educational institutions and teachers to emphasize this practice, with the intention focused on the learning process of students.
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