Music Education, Play, Music, Children's DevelopmentAbstract
The objective of this text is to approach the teaching of music in childhood, bringing discussions about the relationship between music and play in musical and child development. The teaching of music in basic education cuts across epistemological issues of music teaching in childhood, passing through the historically constructed conceptions of childhood, the contributions of developmental psychology, active pedagogies in music, as well as the relationship between childhood neurodevelopment from the interaction between games and musical learning. The study of the guidelines of the Brazilian Common National Curriculum Base (Base Nacional Comum Curricular - BNCC, in Brazil) in the early childhood education stage brings new possibilities for planning and executing music classes based on the learning and development objectives and other aspects recommended by the Base. Along this path, some suggestions for classes are presented, which can be expanded from the review of authors who point out ways to create a repertoire of pedagogical-musical activities with a playful perspective. In the daily life of the classroom, music and games are not dissociated, playing represents, in most cases, the means by which musical learning takes place. In this sense, This text proposes the articulation of reflections on how music and games interact in order to contribute to a full musical development in early childhood education.
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