Sertanias: Revista de Ciências Humanas e Sociais <div align="justify">O periódico <strong>Sertanias: Revista de Ciências Humanas e Sociais (ISSN: 2763-566X)</strong> é uma publicação semestral de divulgação científica e tecnológica vinculada aos Grupos de Pesquisa da Área de Ciências Sociais – Grupos de Pesquisa em Etnicidades, Relações Raciais e Educação; Grupo de Pesquisa em Interculturalidades e Educação: experiências entre os Povos indígenas da Bahia, sob coordenação do prof. Dr. José Valdir Jesus de Santana; Grupo de Estudos e Pesquisa em Práticas Curriculares e Educativas (GEPPCE), sob coordenação da professora Dra. Núbia Regina Moreira; Grupo de Pesquisa Cultura, Ambiente e Sociedade: Linguagem e Design Social (CASLIDS), sob coordenação da professora Dra. Marília Flores Seixas de Oliveira, do Departamento de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas da Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia - UESB. A revista busca abordagens originais sobre questões contemporâneas através do estímulo ao diálogo interdisciplinar entre as mais diversas áreas das humanidades. </div> Edições UESB pt-BR Sertanias: Revista de Ciências Humanas e Sociais 2763-566X Editorial José Valdir Jesus de Santana Copyright (c) 2023 Sertanias: Revista de Ciências Humanas e Sociais 2023-12-27 2023-12-27 4 2 A Black Queen among white subjects”: trajectory of the black intellectual Conceição Soares Lopes in the History of Education in Ilhéus <p>This chapter discusses the trajectory of the black intellectual Maria da Conceição Soares Lopes, in the city of Ilhéus-Bahia, between the 1920s and 1990s. The discussion aims to highlight how, in addition to a biography, her political activity approaches the concepts of intellectuality and black leadership, bringing new perspectives to the History of Education, according to the Law n. 10.639/03. The text highlights the need for recognition and inclusion at the scholar curriculum of the invisibility stories of black population, based on the experience of women, such as Conceição Lopes, which would impact the Basic Education curriculum. Thus, the chapter is based on theoretical contributions between Social History and the History of Education, dialoguing with documentary sources such as newspapers, photographs, digitized private collections and regional memoirists writing. It will be managed through the methodology of documentary research, in a relation between micro-history and a biographical approach. The reflections that underpin the chapter have pointed out that the inclusion of the trajectory of black female protagonists strengthens identity and confront structural racism that permeates Initial Teacher Training and include teaching in Basic Education. Conceição Lopes' trajectory evokes new anti-racist, intersectional approaches and teaching methodologies and it is able to overhaul the concept of black intellectuality.</p> Cristiane Batista da Silva Santos Copyright (c) 2023 Sertanias: Revista de Ciências Humanas e Sociais 2023-12-27 2023-12-27 4 2 1 23 10.22481/sertanias.v4i2.13355 The party as a space of sociality: knowledge and celebrations in the rural black community of Mulungu de Boninal - Bahia <p>A festive event becomes a privileged field for understanding the importance of the different forms of sociability which reveal cultural, belongingness and identity marks of a people in their way of acting, thinking, celebrating, being and being in the world. From this perspective, our objective is to understand the party as a space for sociability, for parties are understood as a social practice aimed at promoting and organizing the mechanisms that establish the individual's relationship with their culture, with a view to creating the necessary conditions to celebrating, and to relate individually and collectively in a given social context. In this sense, ethnographic research was my methodological choice, since it seems to be the path that best reflects the daily routine and special events that lead us to an understanding of the networks of meanings between the party and the “celebration mode” and of collectivity, the beliefs, the ways of living that are shared by the subject and with his social group. Therefore, celebrating, commemorating means, above all, on the gathering of people who come together for the same purpose, in which the beginning of the party appropriately constitutes itself through different paths or perspectives, because for each of those involved (the reveler, the visitor, the party-goer, the promise-giver, the devotee, the local resident, the researcher) is aroused by interests and subjective perspectives, revealing different meanings, hence the polysemy promoted by or by the word party.</p> Maria Eunice Rosa de Jesus Copyright (c) 2023 Sertanias: Revista de Ciências Humanas e Sociais 2023-12-27 2023-12-27 4 2 1 23 10.22481/sertanias.v4i2.13791 Law n. 10.639/03: transforming reality and dreams in Quilombo Candeal II <p>This article examines the effects of Law n. 10.639/03 on the Candeal II Quilombola Community in Feira de Santana-BA. It includes a reflective discussion on the implementation of the quota system at the State University of Feira de Santana - UEFS, the institution that receives the most students from the Candeal Quilombo. This text presents a reflection on the relationships that students establish with the university and the community, and how these relationships can impact their permanence in both settings. It emphasizes the need to discuss how the university has addressed the positive and negative impacts of Quilombola students' entry into their specific contexts. The data analyzed was collected through documentary research from the Associação Comunitária de Desenvolvimento do Candeal II - ACDC and through interviews with students and mothers of students from the community who are studying or have studied in higher education.</p> Daiane da Fonseca Pereira Copyright (c) 2023 Sertanias: Revista de Ciências Humanas e Sociais 2023-12-27 2023-12-27 4 2 1 18 10.22481/sertanias.v4i2.14139 Education of ethnic-racial relations and Art teaching in basic education: an analysis of the academic production of Capes bank of dissertations and theses (2013 to 2023) <p>Art teaching in basic education includes different languages, for example, visual arts, music, theater, and dance. Given the problems that permeate art teaching, especially in the context of Law No. 10,639/03, which made mandatory teaching of Afro-Brazilian and African History and Culture throughout basic education, in this research we tried to identify and analyze academic production that focuses on teaching art and the perspective of anti-racist education, based on a survey carried out in the Catalog of Theses and Dissertations of the Coordination of Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) in the period covered between 2013 and 2023. In the survey, the following descriptors were used: “Teaching art and ethnic-racial education." Ten dissertations were identified and analyzed using Bardin’s (2016) content analysis. From this survey, it is possible to affirm that art teaching has expanded and provided reflections on the education of ethnic-racial relations, focusing on varied themes. However, it was identified that, despite advances, many teachers face challenges in deconstructing the approach to teaching art, still steeped in tradition and Eurocentric knowledge, which prioritizes European artistic productions, making other artistic and cultural productions invisible. Another problem that research reveals is the lack of initial and continuing training for teachers who work in the art discipline to address the themes required by Law No. 10.639/03.</p> Fabiana de Amorim Araújo José Valdir Jesus de Santana Geisa Crístian Nascimento de Aragão José Ricardo Marques dos Santos Copyright (c) 2023 Sertanias: Revista de Ciências Humanas e Sociais 2023-12-27 2023-12-27 4 2 1 29 10.22481/sertanias.v4i2.14206 Childhood education and ethnic-racial relations in Vitória da Conquista-BA: an analysis of the Curricular Reference and the pedagogical political project for a Municipal Early Education Center <p>In this article, we analyze how the Municipal Curricular Reference of Early Childhood Education in Vitória da Conquista and the CMEI Political Pedagogical Project Nilma Lino Gomes from Vitória da Conquista recognizes, explains, and guides the construction of anti-racist pedagogical practices in early childhood education, by Law no. 10,639/03. The empirical corpus, that is, the Pedagogical Political Project, the curriculum Reference for Early ChildhoodEducation in Vitória da Conquista-BA and interviews carried out with the CEMEI educators in question were analyzed and supported by the technique of content analysis (BARDIN, 2016). It was observed that the PPP emphasizes work with projects; however, it does not make the work explicit with ethnic-racial relations, nor does it signal pedagogical practices aimed at their Implementation. About the analysis of the Municipal Curricular Reference in early childhood education, it was possible to identify some advances, but also an alignment with the assumptions of the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC), thus weakening, in this way, the pedagogical/educational approach to ethnic-racial relations in early childhood education.</p> Geisa Crístian Nascimento de Aragão José Valdir Jesus de Santana Fabiana Amorim Araújo Romilda Rodrigues da Silva Copyright (c) 2023 Sertanias: Revista de Ciências Humanas e Sociais 2023-12-27 2023-12-27 4 2 1 30 10.22481/sertanias.v4i2.14214 Global governance and democracy: considerations about the Washington Consensus and “development” in Brazil <p>The aim of this paper is to understand the concept of global governance and how it relates to the construction of democracy in Brazil. In this sense, it is necessary to understand which orientations have influenced the transformation of the Brazilian state, using the legitimization of the Washington Consensus and the narratives about development in countries classified as underdeveloped as a guiding principle. In this context, we will look at the academic and political discourses of the "Global North" developed countries and the reading of the same process by intellectuals from the "Global South", with the aim of understanding the asymmetries of power between the two.</p> Rachel Carvalho Copyright (c) 2023 Sertanias: Revista de Ciências Humanas e Sociais 2023-12-27 2023-12-27 4 2 1 17 10.22481/sertanias.v4i2.14198 Potentialities and challenges for the sustainable use of the urban forest garden of Ipiaú – Bahia <p>Green areas are very important for society, they can potentially be used for leisure, physical activity, contemplation of nature, educational environments, among other uses. From this perspective, an urban forest garden constitutes a green area option that can positively impact the life of the community. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze the potential and challenges for the sustainable use of the Urban Forest Garden in the city of Ipiaú, a municipality in the southern region of Bahia. The methodology used on-site observation techniques, interviews, questionnaires, strategic planning tools and statistical analysis. The results present a panorama that expresses the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to the sustainable use of Horto Florestal. Furthermore, the analyzes also highlighted the regulatory ecosystem services that this green area provides. In this way, it is expected that the results can contribute to decision-making, management and proposal of public policies for the use of the Horto, a space that offers environmental benefits to the community and has potential that could be valued, with a view to environmental sustainability.</p> Daiane Quele Pereira dos Santos Valdirene Santos Rocha Sousa Hélio Rocha Sousa Filho Copyright (c) 2023 Sertanias: Revista de Ciências Humanas e Sociais 2023-12-27 2023-12-27 4 2 1 32 10.22481/sertanias.v4i2.14187 Turnover at the call center: a look from young people at a call center in Teresina, Piauí <p>The metamorphosis of the world of global capitalist production changes historically, expanding its capacity based on its transitions in terms of its way of organizing labor, employment and production. The industrial and technological revolutions present, to a large extent, this rearrangement and bring to light “new” modifications arising from this metamorphosis of capital in the 21st century. Considering contemporary societies, which develop from a capitalist production logic, based on telematics, several intermediary branches emerge in productive activity intensive in information and communication, among them, Call Centers. Productive restructuring reconfigures the worker's variables and their form of insertion in the world of work. Factors that were previously not appropriated by capital, such as the subjective dimension, are now taken over by the way work is organized, in its new guise of flexible accumulation, outsourcing and other arrangements that capture the worker and alter their experiences in labor relations. Given this context, this study is about the work of young people in a Call Center company in Teresina, Piauí. Therefore, we seek to understand how the work of young people from Teresina in Call Centers is constituted in the face of processes of overexploitation of the workforce in a context of deformation of the world of work. Regarding theoretical and methodological procedures, the key categories and concepts are: outsourcing, flexibility, intensification of the service sector, overexploitation of work, Call Center, telemarketing, precarious work, emotional labor. Through these categories, we seek to understand how young people in Teresina see the Call Center as a way of entering the job market. The question of how work has been constituted in Call Center spaces, especially for the young workforce, has drawn attention, since workers are inserted in a context of deformations in the global sphere, of work. From the interviews carried out with these young people, it is possible to affirm that the work they carried out was considered a “stepping stone”, especially for those who are/were in higher education or have already completed it. Faced with this reality, all they have to do is continue as a telemarketing operator, so as not to find themselves caught up in the tragedy of unemployment. However, they did not consider the role they performed as a job, but just a means to cover their needs to continue building another alternative “life project”.</p> Johnne Petterson de Sousa Araujo Copyright (c) 2023 Sertanias: Revista de Ciências Humanas e Sociais 2023-12-27 2023-12-27 4 2 1 20 10.22481/sertanias.v4i2.12630 Management of water for human consumption in a rural settlement in the municipality of Jequié-Bahia: an educational-participatory process <p>This article deals with the experience of a project conceived from a research-extension perspective and carried out in a rural settlement, located in the semi-arid zone of Bahia. The project, an educational action, aimed to carry out a participatory diagnosis of the management of water stored in polyethylene cisterns for human consumption, as well as promoting socio-environmental interventions with the aim of minimizing the problems diagnosed. Questionnaires were administered, talking maps were used, sanitary inspection of cisterns and water quality analysis were carried out. The potability standards and forms of water treatment adopted by the settlers were incompatible with the adequate management of rainwater capture and storage equipment. Environmental Education actions were developed to minimize the problems identified.</p> Pollyana da Silva de Magalhães Rita de Cássia Souza de Queiros Lopes Valdirene Santos Rocha Sousa Copyright (c) 2023 Sertanias: Revista de Ciências Humanas e Sociais 2023-12-27 2023-12-27 4 2 1 24 10.22481/sertanias.v4i2.14205 Knowing stories, analyzing scenarios: the CAT experience for training field educators <p>The KAT Project – Know, Analyze and Transform – is a specific methodology for training educators and coordinators of rural schools to study reality and construct public rural education policies. The primary objective of this work is to reflect on the training of rural teachers in the identity territories of the state of Bahia, having as a reference the KAT Project, which constitutes a process of continued training of teachers in the municipal public network, who work in rural schools in the Bahian Semiarid region, with the aim of designing a methodology focused on the reality of the countryside and improving the quality of its actions in the context of rural education. For this understanding, the research problem was how were the identities of rural teachers historically constructed? How can teacher training courses contribute to the critical-emancipatory development process of rural subjects? Thus, this work is justified by the need to understand teacher training as the path to the materialization of Rural Education where a school emerges that differs from that which exists in the reality of rural areas. Its relevance lies in enabling the practice of the project to be a reference as a methodological approach to the experience lived by those who work in the field.</p> Débora Araújo da Silva Ferraz João Francisco da Silva Netto Copyright (c) 2023 Sertanias: Revista de Ciências Humanas e Sociais 2023-12-27 2023-12-27 4 2 1 11 10.22481/sertanias.v4i2.14209