Call for papers submission


ODEERE (ISSN 2525-4715) is a biannual magazine that publishes original and original works developed around discussions on ethnic relations, in an interdisciplinary way, addressing gender, sexual diversity and issues that involve different social groups.

In the next issue (June / 2021), the thematic Dossier, under the coordination of the Profas. Dr. Raquel Souzas (UFBA - PPGREC); Ana Claudia Lemos Pacheco (UNEB - PPGREC); Nubia Regina Moreira (UESB / PPGED); Tânia Rocha de Andrade Cunha (UESB / PPGMLS), will have as its theme: "BLACK ACTIVISM AND RACIAL JUSTICE: theoretical and research productions in the field of ethnicity, intersectionality and sexual diversity".

The Dossier aims to bring together reflections and interdisciplinary research experiences, whose center of analysis is the issue of black women. Racism and violence, racial and structural inequalities, machismo and sexism, homophobia and transphobia form important relational links for the constitution of the dossier, which aims to document knowledge and proposals for social and political intervention on the (im ) power of transformation. of social realities adverse to blacks.

The Dossier articles will be from Researchers invited by the organizers. However, the manuscripts of the sections: Interview, Free Articles, New Investigators, Experience Reports and Reviews can be submitted in continuous flow.

Maximum date for submission of articles: April 30, 2021. Queries: SUBMISSIONS RULES:

For submission, authors must register in the journal, if they do not have a record, with the following information: Full name, Affiliated Institution, ORCID (, Telephone, Institution and mini-biography (2- 3 lines). These data are also mandatory for co-authors.