Between Jezabel and Virgin Mary: gender representations in HIV prevention videos in Angola


  • Tiago da Silva Ferreira Universidade Federal Fluminense



relações de gênero, cristianismo, prevenção ao HIV/Aids, África


This article seeks to demonstrate the convergence of religious and governmental discourse on HIV prevention campaigns. For comparison in this text I use the videos produced by “Stop Sida”, a Public Television of Angola’s TV Show for HIV prevention. I intend to show that those videos seek to produce guilty subjects, especially when it comes to women, associating the infection with sin, divine judgment and personal responsibility. This association perpetuates violence against women and keeps intact the social dispositif that makes them the main victims of the AIDS pandemic in Angola and Sub-Saharan Africa.

Keywords: gender relations; Christianity; HIV/Aids prevention; Africa.


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How to Cite

Ferreira, T. da S. (2017). Between Jezabel and Virgin Mary: gender representations in HIV prevention videos in Angola. ODEERE, 1(2), 256-279.