About the Journal

Focus and Scope

General guidelines for publication in Revista Práxis Educacional

Revista Práxis Educacional is a continuous-flow, electronic journal of the Graduate Program in Education (PPGEd) at the State University of Southwest Bahia (Uesb). It publishes unpublished articles resulting from scientific research, as well as book reviews. Systematic literature review articles are only accepted as long as they present unpublished guidelines for future research. Its main objective is to disseminate research and studies related to the field of education, developed by researchers from different educational contexts in Brazil and abroad. The journal does not charge any kind of fee for the publication of texts.


Evaluation Process 

The first, preliminary stage (desk review) will only take place after checking that all the metadata has been duly entered into the system (for this, see the submission tutorial https://scribehow.com/shared/Tutorial_submissao__Revista_Praxis_Educacional__GbQwHQdSTKOCd_oDw3_bQA , as well as the editorial rules. Failure to do so, or incomplete or improper completion, will automatically lead to the submission being rejected).

After this check, it will be ascertained whether the manuscript meets the editorial requirements, based on quality criteria such as:

a) Strict compliance with current standards;

b) authors with indicators (such as the H-index*);

c) relevance and bibliographic updating of the references (bibliographic review based on the current context of the proposed topic). Manuscripts will not be accepted if they exceed the maximum limit of 30 (thirty) references. A maximum of 10% (ten percent) of citations must be self-authored and a minimum of 40% (forty percent) of total citations must refer to scientific production in the last 5 (five) years, counting from the date of submission. The Editorial Team, unless expressly justified by the authors (duly inserted in the Comments to the Editor tab), will be responsible for reviewing these limits.

d) whether the proposed theme has already been addressed in other articles published in Revista Práxis Educacional and, if so, how they interact with each other;

After this check, it will be ascertained whether the manuscript meets the editorial requirements, based on quality criteria such as:

a) General technical standards of the journal;

b) Number of authors and their degrees (at least one author must have a doctorate, the others doctoral students and/or masters and/or doctors);

c) Number of pages:

- articles: minimum 15, with the exception of the abstract and references and a maximum of 25 pages, including abstract, references and data from the authors (which corresponds to approximately 10,000 words or 55,000 characters);

- reviews: a maximum of 06 pages (or approximately 15,000 characters);

- interviews: a maximum of 55,000 characters.

d) Abstract (maximum 250 words) and keywords (maximum 03): in Portuguese, English and Spanish;

If the submission is made in APA Style format, check the rules regarding the presentation of abstracts and keywords.

NOTE: The keywords should preferably appear in the Education Thesaurus

e) Correction of references, strictly in accordance with the rules;

f) Authorship data both in the template and in the system (full name, degree, professional institution [city/state/country], research group/unit to which they belong, e-mail address, valid ORCiD, i.e. duly fed), as well as an indication of the author's contribution (see item 1.29 of the general instructions for publication https://periodicos2.uesb.br/index.php/praxis/about/submissions).

g) Careful and strict adherence to ABNT standards (or APA Style, where applicable).

If the text meets this first evaluation, it will be sent to the (two) ad hoc reviewers for a blind evaluation of its content (second stage); otherwise, the author will be notified that the manuscript does not meet the editorial technical quality standards.

At the moment, Práxis Educacional only adopts the double blind review model; that is, the anonymity of the authors and evaluators is guaranteed throughout the evaluation process (peer-review).

In the evaluation process, the referees have access to the technical opinion criteria, which contain evaluation guidelines to help them prepare their opinion. In order for the manuscript to be accepted at this stage, it must be approved twice by the referees; if there is a disagreement between the referees, a new ad hoc referee will be called in (also blind to the evaluation process) so that the results can be concurred. Exceptionally, in the event of divergent opinions, a decision may be taken by the editor-in-chief, which will consist of a "consolidating opinion".

In order to guarantee the blind evaluation of the process, manuscripts must be sent in 2 (two) files, which are checked in the first stage (desk review):

- file in the appropriate template, in .doc or docx extension (MS Word standard for Windows), with identification of authorship (as long as it does not exceed 2MB);
- file in the appropriate template, in .doc or docx extension (standard MS Word for Windows), without identification of authorship (as long as it does not exceed 2MB);

It is recommended that files without identification be removed from the author's data in the file properties (in MS Word > Document Properties, "File" menu option or "Document Preferences" tool, "remove personal information when saving the file" option). If it is possible to verify the identification of authorship in some of these files, the manuscript will automatically be rejected in the system.

At the end of each year, the names of all the ad hoc referees who contributed to the evaluation of the manuscripts are published.

* https://www-periodicos-capes-gov-br.ezl.periodicos.capes.gov.br/index.php?option=com_pnews&component=Clipping&view=pnewsclipping&cid=970&mn=0&


As of 2022, the journal began publishing articles on a continuous basis, with approved articles/reviews published monthly.

Open Access Policy

This magazine offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle that making scientific knowledge freely available to the public provides greater worldwide democratization of knowledge.

Authorization for publication of works

Authors who publish in this journal agree to the following terms and must submit the authorization to publish, as well as the declaration of originality, which must be signed electronically via Gov.br. In the absence of a valid electronic signature, it is mandatory to present the relevant personal document to validate the physical signatures.

Authors retain copyright and grant the journal the right of first publication, with the work simultaneously licensed under CC BY 4.0, allowing sharing (copying and redistributing the material in any medium or format, for any purpose, even commercial) and adpating (remixing, transforming and creating from the material, for any purpose, even commercial). The licensor cannot revoke these rights as long as you respect the terms of the license.

Authors are authorized to assume additional contracts separately, for non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work published in this journal (e.g., publishing in institutional repository or as a book chapter), with acknowledgment of authorship and the initial publication in this journal.

Authors are allowed to distribute their work online (e.g. in institutional repositories or on their personal website), as this can generate productive changes, as well as increase the impact and citation of the published work.

Plagiarism Detection Policy

The journal uses software to detect similarities in the manuscripts submitted for evaluation.

Synthetic writing policy

The journal does not accept texts that have been produced, in part or in whole, by synthetic means (artificial intelligence). To this end, it uses synthetic writing detectors which often erroneously indicate that a human text has been produced synthetically or vice versa. We therefore recommend that you exercise extreme caution, as the detector may generate information that does not correspond to reality, resulting in the submission being rejected.