
The submission of manuscripts is carried out only via the portal. In case of doubt, contact us by e-mail:

Revista Práxis Educacional receives articles in continuous flow on any date.

  • News in brief (dec 2023)


    Práxis Educacional Journal published its last articles for the year 2023, thus concluding the cycle of volume 19. With this, we have ended this year's editorial activities, but we will continue working to continue the journal's editorial flow.

    Many authors are still waiting for their submissions to be returned; We are working so that the response can be quick, within editorial possibilities.

    We reiterate that those submissions that fully comply with the editorial standards (submission tutorial; formatting in accordance with the available template and current standards) find greater agility in their processing, with a view to complying with the journal's technical-editorial quality conditions. Those that, for some reason, do not comply with the standards, follow the production flow (after verification, return to the authors for adjustments), including obeying the order (priority) in which they were inserted into the system, until they are properly ready blind assessment!

    2024 is right around the corner and it will be 20 years of Educational Praxis; we are striving and learning daily, in order to carry out the editorial process of Práxis Educacional in order to ensure free and quality communication; not just scientific, but technical and responsible towards the journal's authors, readers and evaluators.

    We wish everyone a happy 2024.

    As rotinas de pensamento na formação de professores de artes visuais
    Estudo de experivivências: um outro jeito de fazer pesquisa
    Democratização da gestão escolar: pilar essencial para o desenvolvimento da qualidade da educação pública
    O sintoma da exclusão digital na pandemia de covid-19: um diagnóstico na educação do campo sergipana
    Game studies e as abordagens baseadas em jogos no contexto educacional
    Cinema/filme no contexto educacional para problematizar questões relacionadas ao estigma do corpo gordo
    Intervenção docente: por um ensino contextualizado e reflexivo
    Read more about News in brief (dec 2023)
  • Novo funcionalidade no portal

    Estimado/a autor/a
    Estamos implementando uma nova funcionalidade ao portal da Revista Práxis Educacional, no sentido de permitir uma alternativa à comunicação realizada entre os editores e os diversos usuários do portal (autores, revisores, colaboradores etc.)
    Trata-se de uma ferramenta de comunicação (tipo chat: em que poderão ser enviadas mensagens sobre questões relacionadas à submissão e tramitação do manuscrito, mensagens sobre avaliação, entre outras.
    Por não se tratar de uma ferramenta nativa do PKP/OJS é possível que nesse processo de implementação seja verificada alguma instabilidade ou ainda o não pleno desempenho da funcionalidade, por isso, desde logo, pedimos desculpas antecipadas caso se verifique tal instabilidade.
    Além disso, ressaltamos que não se trata de um chat em tempo real, é dizer, as mensagens nem sempre poderão ser respondidas de imediato, tendo em vista que, de momento, não dispomos na equipe editorial de algum membro responsável por essa atribuição, porém, asseguramos que todas as mensagens serão respondidas na maior celeridade que nos for possível, por isso pedimos também um pouco de paciência caso a resposta tarde mais do que o esperado.
    Esperamos que todos possamos desfrutar de mais essa funcionalidade, ao tempo em que reiteramos nosso empenho em implementar práticas editoriais mais eficientes e que permitam uma maior aproximação com os usuários da revista.
    Seguimos abertos em fluxo contínuo, tanto para recepção de manuscritos quanto para a publicação dos artigos aprovados.
    Boas leituras,
    Os editores.
    Read more about Novo funcionalidade no portal
  • News in brief (Aug 2023)


    Novas publicações

    Já se encontram disponíveis, para acesso e leituras, as novas publicações do vol. 19, n. 50 (2023)  da Revista Práxis Educacional:


    Sexualidade, biopoder e governo: acionamentos no projeto político pedagógico de um curso de medicina


    Trajetórias da institucionalização das políticas de assistência: identificando a governamentalidade neoliberal como um discurso


    A educação da atenção em Tim Ingold: um compromisso ontológico com a vida

    Há também centenas de outros artigos, de aceso aberto (e gratuito), na Revista Práxis Educacional.

    Boas leituras!

    Template Atualizado

    A Revista Práxis Educacional acaba de atualizar o template da revista, contendo as novas indicações da norma NBR 10520:2023 da ABNT. Recomendamos que os submissores se atentem ao novo formato de citações estabelecido na norma.



    Read more about News in brief (Aug 2023)
  • Do you know what submission metadata is?


    Metadata correspond to important information added to the initial data (in the case of manuscript submission) that enable its better registration and organization (in computer processes, they allow an intelligible and interoperable computational language).

    During the initial analysis of the submission of a manuscript, the quality of the metadata entered into the system may determine, to the editorial team, whether or not to proceed.

    Thus, filling in the metadata in accordance with the editorial standards allows a better preliminary assessment of the submission, allowing the editorial team greater agility in the validation of mandatory and due information, providing an improvement in the interoperability of data between the various systems that involve scientific publishing (OJS / Crossef / DOI / Lattes etc.).

    Were you curious? We encourage all submissions of Revista Práxis Educacional to know our submission tutorial, both in the text version (pdf file) and in the html version.

    Also check the checklist before starting the submission process, ensuring full compliance with editorial standards.

    Good submissions!

    Read more about Do you know what submission metadata is?
  • Regularization of access to the website of Revista Práxis Educacional


    Dear and dear authors and authors.

    After the appropriate adjustments to our editorial flow, in order to comply with the xml-jats markup to compose the Educ@ Collection, we have the submission of manuscripts regularized and accessible to everyone who intends to publish their productions in Revista Práxis Educacional.

    We reiterate the need to check the rules (see before submitting the manuscript. Thinking about the specifics that involve each of the submission stages, we carried out a submission tutorial (see, as well as a template formatting tutorial ( see

    We advise that, if there are doubts in the submission process, contact is maintained via e-mail to resolve the doubts and thus avoid rejection of the submission in the system due to inconsistencies during the inclusion of files and/or completion of metadata.

    Editorial greetings

    Read more about Regularization of access to the website of Revista Práxis Educacional
  • Journal Práxis Educacional Updates


    The Journal Práxis Educacional is in a constant process of editorial improvement, with a view to its scientific excellence.

    Recently, the magazine was incorporated into the Educ@ Collection, of the Carlos Chagas Foundation, which represents an important achievement, replete with new challenges in its editorial policy and, consequently, among other actions, the updating of the submission rules in order to meet the contemporary editorial requirements and, with this, guarantee greater reach and visibility of the articles approved for publication.

    Thus, from 2022 onwards, the publication frequency will be in a continuous flow, with lots of articles made available each month. Thus, we are updating the template to meet new editorial requirements, such as the xml-jats markup - methodology adopted by Educ@.

    On that occasion, we clarify that submissions from this date onwards must strictly comply with the updated rules and the new template.

    With best wishes for happy holidays,

    The Editors.

    Read more about Journal Práxis Educacional Updates
  • We are in internal maintenance.


    Dear User of Periódico logo Práxis Educacional
    Due to the necessary adjustments for the implementation of new editorial actions from 2022, we are in internal maintenance and soon some actions may present complications during the handling of the portal.
    We regret any inconveniences and hope that as soon as possible the system is stable.
    Editorial greetings.

    Read more about We are in internal maintenance.
  • News about Journal Práxis Educacional


    Dear authors/readers

    We at Revista Práxis Educacional are very happy that our journal has been accepted to join the Educ@ Collection (Carlos Chagas Foundation), with this we have advanced even further in the adoption of editorial criteria that allow the journal to comply with national and international quality precepts. technical-scientific and figure in databases and indexers of national and international prestige.

    These advances are only possible thanks to the valuable collaboration of our (the) authors(s) who submit manuscripts with high scientific quality, thus providing a greater reach among our (and new) readers, allowing a continuous flow of scientific communication.

    There are still many challenges that require an incessant work with a view to excellence, given the permanent issues related to scientific editing.

    In this sense, we are also publishing a tutorial to allow users of the system to carry out the manuscript submission process on the journal's portal, in order to meet the requirements necessary to fulfill the initial stage and, therefore, the evaluation in desk review.

    Finally, we would also like to inform you that, given the technical adjustments necessary to configure the journal's profile in Google Scholar, we were instructed by the coordination of the institution's Journal Portal to proceed with an alteration, so that there was concurrency with the metadata (name of the journal) contained in the ISSN register.

    Thus, we replaced the name in the journal's Google Scholar profile from Revista Práxis Educacional to Práxis Educacional, as well as changing all entries of more than 900 registered articles.

    Thus, we recommend that all authors who have their profiles in this service also change the name of the journal in the respective entry of the text published in Práxis Educacional. To do so, the article must be selected, then the edit option and finally change the name in the publications line (which should only contain Práxis Educacional), ending the process by confirming with the blue command (top right). If there is any problem, please contact us.

    Once again, we are grateful for the trust and credibility given to Práxis Educacional when depositing their scientific products.

    Follow us on Twitter @PraxisUesb.

    Editorial Team

    Read more about News about Journal Práxis Educacional