Innovation, Teaching Methods, Teamwork, Intercultural Competence, Motivation, Communicative ToleranceAbstract
This study inquired into the problems related to the culture of cooperation among students of non-linguistic higher education institutions and the use of interactive technologies as a solution to these problems. The relevance of the research lies in its illumination of the contradictions among the need to build communication environments that correspond with the transformation and modernization of Russian education in the Russian Federation, the insufficient theoretical elaboration of this issue, the new requirements in the field of education (Federal Law on Education in the Russian Federation as of December 29, 2012, No. 273-FZ (as amended on December 29, 2017), National Doctrine of Education of the Russian Federation until 2025, Federal State Educational Standard for Higher Education), and the inadequate preparedness of students to be subjects of their development in innovative educational contexts. This research was aimed at theoretically justifying the development of a cooperative culture among students using interactive technologies. Its methodological foundations were the provisions and principles of personality-oriented, competency-based approaches and the underpinnings of intercultural competence. The study’s theoretical significance is reflected by (1) its integration of pedagogical technologies on the basis of the cultivation of desired educational situations and the implementation of educational technologies in collaboration with interactive innovations and by (2) the transition from informational and explanatory education to the innovatively effective adoption of interactive technologies in the educational process, which also involves developmental and personal orientations. The research’s practical significance lies in its development and organization of experimental work on the evolution of the aforementioned cooperative culture. In the experiment, interactive pedagogical technologies for English teaching, such as case methods, project approaches, role play, business-oriented games, and debates were modified and tested. The ways by which these technologies can be effectively used in higher education institutions were formulated, thereby enabling students to cultivate business collaboration skills, which are important for their future professional careers.
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