


Thermodynamics, Laws, Principles, Textbooks


The study and understanding of Thermodynamics requires a careful assimilation process of laws and a solid well-structured theoretical conceptual set. Throughout of this work, we presents an explanation of the main concepts applied to Thermodynamics. Besides, we also describe each one of the four thermodynamic Laws, based on its core concepts. We aim to analyze the four Laws of Thermodynamics and its main concepts as textbooks present it. Our analysis try to critically comment and describe the definitions above, presenting our position and our concepts regards to the Laws. We could check in the textbooks the four Laws are presented in vague ways, making it difficult to understand them. Many of the authors only shows a mathematical approach of the equations that deal with the subject. In addition, the authors do not seem to clarify properly the physical concepts. In this work, we aimed to analyze the contextualization of four Thermodynamics Laws, as such as defined by the concepts related to it. Therefore, we tried to comment critically it and then made a stand with the goal of defining the laws and the concepts more properly.


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How to Cite

Takiya, C., Guimarães, G. F., Santana, I. L., & Lemos, L. S. (2020). THERMODYNAMIC APPROACHES: AN ANALYSIS OF LAWS AND MAIN CONCEPTS IN TEXTBOOKS. Revista Binacional Brasil-Argentina: Dialogue Between the Sciences, 9(02), 292-316.