Narrative of the mathematics of love and friendship: poetic teaching in teaching: part 3




narrative, poetic didactics, mathematics education


The crisis of Mathematics Education distorts the feeling, the subjectivity and the non- regularizable in the student, it is desired to reach poetic didactics to resort to motivation and understanding beyond quantification and algorithms. This inquiry resorts to biographical- narrative research, this time from the text entitled: The mathematics of love and friendship, published in 2018, is a collection of twenty-one (21) poems made up of free verses that sought to compare in the imagination of the author the mathematical contents that come from love and

friendship, from that daily life and subjectivity. Thus, for example, in the aforementioned text, impossible loves separated by ideologies or religions are compared to asymptotes, an essential concept of curves that never meet. As results, we provoke poetic didactics as a resource of high motivating power with the feeling of the students.


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Author Biography

Milagros Elena Rodriguez, Universidad de Oriente – Venezuela

Milagros Elena Rodríguez. Cristiana, venezolana. PhD. en las nuevas tendencias y corrientes integradoras de pensamiento y sus concreciones, Universidad José Martí de Latinoamérica, Cuba-México. PhD. en Educación Matemática, Pensamiento y Religaje en la Transmodernidad, Universidad Nacional Experimental de Yaracuy, Venezuela. PhD. en Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad Nacional Experimental de las Fuerzas Armada. Doctora en Patrimonio Cultural, Universidad Latinoamericana y el Caribe. Doctora en Innovaciones Educativas, Universidad Nacional Experimental de las Fuerzas Armada. Magister Scientiaurum en Matemáticas, Universidad de Oriente. Licenciada en Matemática, Universidad de Oriente. Docente Investigadora titular a dedicación exclusiva del Departamento de Matemáticas, Universidad de Oriente, Venezuela.


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How to Cite

RODRIGUEZ, M. E. Narrative of the mathematics of love and friendship: poetic teaching in teaching: part 3 . Revista Educação em Páginas, Vitória da Conquista, v. 1, p. e11111, 2022. DOI: 10.22481/redupa.v1.11111. Disponível em: Acesso em: 26 sep. 2024.