O seminário como uma estratégia de ensino na formação pós-graduanda em educação


  • Marilene Caitano Reis Almeida Soares
  • Francely Aparecida dos Santos
  • Gilberto Januario




Methodological Strategies; Postgraduate Training; Teacher Professional Knowledge.


Abstract: Methodological strategies that lead students to engage in their learning process have been discussed and used in training in Higher Education courses since the 1990s. arguments and analysis of educational issues have been used in different disciplines and actions. In this article, we present an experience involving the preparation and presentation of seminars in a discipline of a master's degree in Education. The experience involved three classes; the seminars were organized and presented by six groups of students, followed by discussion by the class and by the teachers of the discipline. As a result of the discussion that we propose to do in the article, we observe the implications of these seminars for understanding the role of the theoretical framework as a guideline for research in Education, as well as the contributions to the development of professional teaching knowledge, in particular, the (re)think and (re)signify proposals and objectives of education as a process of formation of subjects.



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How to Cite

Soares, M. C. R. A., Santos, F. A. dos ., & Januario, G. . (2021). O seminário como uma estratégia de ensino na formação pós-graduanda em educação. Revista De Iniciação à Docência, 5(3), 75 - 86. https://doi.org/10.22481/riduesb.v5i3.8316