Game Ping Pong Aritmético as a support in the teaching-learning process of basic operations: an experience report


  • Rahilson Dias Costa UFAM
  • Francisco Feitosa Universidade Federal do Amazonas



Ping Pong Aritmético, Mathematics, Basic operations


The present work deals with the development and study of an educational digital game entitled "Ping Pong Arithmetic", applied to aid in the study of arithmetic operations in the first years of the final years of elementary school. The research conducted is characterized as a descriptive exploratory approach method. The pedagogical resource was used by 230 students from three public schools in Manaus - AM. The data collection was made from observations, questionnaires and interviews and counted with the collaboration of 23 academics of PIBID Mathematics of the Federal University of Amazonas - UFAM. The game was initially designed to be played in person, but due to the pandemic, the rules were adapted so that it could be played remotely. The application of the game showed at first the difficulty of the students with the basic operations and then an improvement in relation to these operations. The game had a positive evaluation from the students, who were willing to use this resource in their classes. Finally, the group dynamics allowed, even in these difficult times of pandemic, to provide a kind of "distance socialization", breaking the monotony of online classes.


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Author Biography

Rahilson Dias Costa, UFAM

Licenciando em Matemática pela Universidade Federal do Amazonas e foi bolsista do Programa de Iniciação Científica e Mestrado (PICME) da CAPES.


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How to Cite

Costa, R. D., & Feitosa, F. (2021). Game Ping Pong Aritmético as a support in the teaching-learning process of basic operations: an experience report. Revista De Iniciação à Docência, 6(2), 171-188.