Intercultural education and the challenges for the school and teachers of the field
Field Education. Teacher Training. Interculturality.Abstract
This article aims to analyze the teaching process learning in peasant contexts in the light of intercultural education. Through qualitative research and with the method of systematic literature review, observational studies were conducted on intercultural education, in order to understand how the school and teachers have evidenced and prioritized education from the perspective of interculturality, respecting differences and strengthening the identity of the subjects of the field. Some studies published in CAPES journals and BDTD were analyzed. It was found with the research that the dialogical education and detached from discriminatory stereotypes are basic principles of intercultural pedagogical practices, as well as the necessary intercultural training of teachers to work in the schools of the field. However, there are great challenges and contradictions in teacher education to work in the schools of the field that go through the construction of curricula capable of dialoguing with the theme. Finally, the study highlights the need to discuss/problematize the contradictions between teacher education and intercultural education from the perspective of pluralistic epistemologies, against hegemonic and emancipatory, because, only in this way, the subjects of the field will be recognized and respected, both in difference and in their place of speech.
Keywords: Field Education. Teacher Training. Interculturality.
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