Dialogues with women from Caetitu: education in the context of social gender relations in caatinga in southwest of Bahia
Women, Gender, Education, Social Relations, CaatingaAbstract
The current work is result of a research developed with women living in the rural area of southwest Bahia, in caatinga region. The proposal has been to engage in a dialogue with the agents, so that they could talk about the condition of caatingueira woman, considering the gender inequalities, which mark that space. With a focus on intersubjective relationships, we base our study on the phenomenology of Alfred Schutz and on Pierre Bourdieu's reading on male domination. In the dialogue established with participants, it was possible to identify how the implementation of public policies in the field directly impacts the lives of rural women and education appears as a central factor to understand the dynamics of gender in that space. The lack of access to formal education is a tool that keeps, even today, women away from public life, imprisoned in their homes and domestic chores. Thus, this production, in addition to addressing the problems that affect women in caatinga region, adopts a methodological perspective that places historically silenced subjects in evidence.
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