The fairy tale crossing the world: creativity, imagination and fantasy in the Portuguese Language Classes
Literature, Internship, Fairy tales, Narrative, RereadingAbstract
This work is the result of a didactic project developed in the discipline of Supervised Curricular Internship in Portuguese III at the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE), which aims to awaken, in sixth year students of the regular modality of a state school of Igarassu-PE, besides the interest and curiosity for reading the literary text, a creative sense for building rereadings of the timeless stories of fairy tales. The project meets a regency of 20 hours-class and was held following the period of observation of the school and class, held in the same duration. Thus, for its planning, issues of daily life and school culture, classroom relations and the teacher’s (a) supervisor(a) pedagogical practice were analyzed. Therefore, from the provocations generated by the reading/listening of fairy tales and the tension of the elements that make up its multi-semiotic materiality, moments of research, reconversion and production of rereadings were conducted, in which it was possible to deepen (and even introduce) students into the magical universe of these stories as well as recreate them ludically through alternative ways of imagining and conceiving their characters.
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