Grammaticalization in the domain of causality
Grammaticalization, Causality, Connectors, Specialization, IconicityAbstract
Based on the Grammaticalization approach (HOPEER; TRAUGOTT, 1993), this article presents a comparative analyze among the connectors por causa que (“by cause that”), porque (because) and que (that), aiming at asserting an implementation of a semantic-pragmatic specialization (HOPPER, 1991) among spoken Portuguese causal connectors. The uses of the connectors in question are discussed using the semantic-pragmatic approach designed by Sweetser (1991), according to which causality can be established in three distinct domains: the referential domain, the epistemic domain and the speech act domain. Furthermore, part of the analyze is based on the iconicity functionalist principle (NEVES, 2004, 2010).
KEYWORDS: Grammaticalization; Causality; Connectors; Specialization; Iconicity.
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