The new urban activism through art and humor: discursively analyzing music videos of the #OCUPEESTELITA movement
Discourse Analysis, Music video clip, Interdiscursivity, Memory, Social movementAbstract
By means of the French Discourse Analysis theoretical framework, we use the notions of ‘weaving’/‘texture’ proposed by Neckel (2010), with the objective of discursively examining two music video clips with the theme of the #OcupeEstelita Movement, which are: the music video Arquitetura de vertigem (2014) and the music video Novo Apocalipse Recife (2015). Thus, we propose to investigate how the most diverse languages inscribed into the music video discourse – word, sound/music, image and performance – operate, in different ways, their significant structure in the meaning-making process and how repertories, memories and interdiscursivities are activated throughout the discursive movements of the music videos here discussed.
KEYWORDS: Discourse Analysis. Music video clip. Interdiscursivity. Memory. Social movement.
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