Neurologic music therapy: what does that have to do with language?




Music; Language; Communication; Neurologic music therapy; Therapy.


We are all born with speaking and singing abilities, both of which are necesessary for a full life. Neuroscience research development has evolved a lot in the last thirty years. Neuroimaging techniques, electrophysiological research and studies using different theoretical models have allowed progress in language studies, in order to enable the understanding of the different aspects that involve its acquisition, understanding and processing. It has also shown that music is processed in virtually the entire brain. This article aims at showing some aspects that demonstrate the importance of these abilities in the communication processes, their possible relationships, and how the motor deficits of language can be treated with neurologic music therapy.


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Author Biography

Cléo Monteiro França Correia, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (Unifesp/Brasil)

Cléo Monteiro França Correia, musicoterapeuta, doutora em Ciências pela Universidade Federal de São Paulo – Escola Paulista de Medicina (UNIFEP-EPM). Musicoterapeuta pesquisadora e colaboradora e coordenadora da Equipe de Musicoterapia do Setor de Neurologia do Comportamento, do Departamento de Neurologia Clínica e Neurocirurgia da UNIFESP-EPM. Musicoterapeuta Responsável pela equipe de musicoterapeutas do Centro Integrado de Atendimento ao Idoso – CIAI, em São Paulo.Formação em Musicoterapia Neurológica pela International Academy of Neurologic Music Therapy. Professoa no Curso de Pós-graduação em Musicoterapia Aplicada, na Faculdade Santa Marcelina em São Paulo. Membro das Equipes Editoriais Brazilian Journal of Music Tharpy e da Revista InCantare.


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How to Cite

CORREIA, C. M. F. . Neurologic music therapy: what does that have to do with language?. Language Studies, [S. l.], v. 21, n. 1, p. 473-493, 2023. DOI: 10.22481/el.v21i1.13388. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.