Blanchot, the literaty experience and the end of history: open doors of a generation
Subjectivit. Devices. Literary experience.Abstract
This article starts from the famous diagnostic of the end of history - thesis defended by Francis Fukuyama just after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Inspired by authors as Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze and Giorgio Agamben base their work on a perspective which holds that the machinery of capital - much more than an economic system - is the producer of subjectivity: in plots of knowing and power operated by devices, it duplicates lives in order to create ways of existence in a way more and more precise and in an everyday basis. What is insinuated in the idea then is the thesis of Walter Benjamin: capitalism as religion - manufacturing existences uninterruptedly starting from the unceasing dissemination of devices. In the presenta generation that works for the end of history would be announced - the one that would live making happen what in one occasion Italo Calvino called hell. From this diagnosis, -following Maurice Blanchot and Roberto Bolaño, the bet is that what is operated under literary experience can weaken the plot devices already ready from a supposed end of history - and this politic task would be in charge of making flourish the power of art: to enforce the unending of the world, therefore, the impossibility of the end of history.
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