Bullyng on the professional intership: the perspective of graduates of business administration
Bullying at work, Professional internship, Business, Law nº 11.788/2008Abstract
The study aims to analyze the AM from the perspective of university students from a federal university, belonging to the Administration course, during the practice of their internships. The methodology classifies the study as exploratory, of the descriptive-interpretative type and with a mixed approach. The research took place between 2019 and 2020 and, from a total of 226 students in a regular internship situation, the sample was calculated, reaching 143 necessary and answered questionnaires. For the collection of primary data, after the pre test, questionnaires were applied online and in person. As for the secondary ones, they went to the normative resolutions of the respective federal university on its regulation of the internship. Data analysis revealed that the internship conditions are good for most participants, but there was a perception of them regarding the occurrence of AM. To a greater degree, the performance of tasks below their abilities, as well as humiliation, were emphasized. And, to a lesser extent, verbal, sexual, religious, social and political insults, interference with private life and physical attacks.
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