The process of presidential succession in credit cooperatives: a case study
Cooperatives. Succession. Credit unions.Abstract
This study seeks to analyze the perceptions of managers in the process of presidential succession in credit unions, which had presidential transition of managers. To this end, we first sought to identify and analyze the requirements used in the selection and evaluation process of candidates for successor to the position of president of the Sicredi Alto Uruguai/RS Credit Cooperative. In addition, it was intended to know the method used and the profile that the cooperative seeks in this succession process. The research is characterized as qualitative and descriptive, conducted through semi-structured interviews with managers of the cooperative. As a result, the succession process in the credit union studied reflected the values shared between the individual and the company, reaffirming that this relationship is the main source of personal and organizational effectiveness. It is also noteworthy that the form of succession is innovative for this type of institution and that brings with it many positive points as it arouses in employees the interest of evolution and the feeling of appreciation by the institution.
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