Interlinguistic Variation in Macro-Je Stock: Kaingáng and Parkatêjê




Phonology, Kaingáng, Macro-Jê, Parkatêjê, Optimality, OCP


I attested in Kaingang two constraints of the OCP family. One of them forbids clusters whose segments are identical as for the feature [continuous], eliminating the complexity in onsets whose elements have the same value for that feature; the other one avoids the sequence of two segments with both features [coronal] and [+anterior]. Data from Kaingang are compared with those from Parkatêjê, in order to investigate if the same phonological features are relevant to syllable structure and how the linguistic variation works across languages. Therefore, we (o autor no resumo em portugues usou a terceira pessoa) try to attest similarities and levels of difference concerning phonotatics between related languages.
KEYWORDS: Phonology. Kaingáng. Parkatêjê. Optimality. OCP.


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Author Biography

Gean Nunes Damulakis, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ/Brazil)/ National Museum (MN/Brazil)

Gean Nunes Damulakis é mestre em Lingüística pela UFRJ. Iniciou o doutorado na mesma instituição, em março de 2006. Leciona como professor substituto de Lingüística no Departamento de Lingüística e Filologia da UFRJ. Atua como estagiário, desde março de 2003, no Setor de Lingüística do Museu Nacional / UFRJ.


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How to Cite

DAMULAKIS, G. N. Interlinguistic Variation in Macro-Je Stock: Kaingáng and Parkatêjê. Language Studies, [S. l.], v. 4, n. 1, p. 169-184, 2006. DOI: 10.22481/el.v4i1.1031. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.