Communication characteristics of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) users of sign language
Transtorno do Espectro do Autismo, Surdez, Comunicação, Desenvolvimento da Linguagem, Língua de SinaisAbstract
This investigation aimed to systematize the evidence on communicative characteristics presented by people with ASD, users of sign language. The methodology consisted of integrative literature review, in the PubMed, Scopus, Web of Science and Embase databases, including original or review papers published in peer-reviewed journals in Portuguese, English or Spanish that were available in full and focused on persons with ASD who use sign language as their first language. Eleven papers were analyzed and the results point-out to signing of persons with ASD that are equivalent to characteristics of oral language of persons with autism, such as echolalia, pronoun reversals, impairments in using and understanding facial expressions and Theory of Mind and reduced expressive language. Specific communicative characteristics of sign language by persons with ASD include 180° reversal in palm orientation and difficulties in using classifiers and directional verbs.
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