Anaphoric strategies in essays: a teaching proposal through a didactic sequence
Referencing. Anaphoras. Enem essay. Didactic sequence.Abstract
This paper presents the results of a didactic experience with in-text references in the process of school essay writing in Enem style. To achieve this purpose, an applied qualitative-quantitative study was carried out under the didactic sequence model. The research was conducted within a 1st grade Brazilian High School class and it provided material for a comparative analysis of texts produced in the initial and final phases of the proposal. Results suggest a strong evolution in the use of anaphoric processes within the students’ written productions, which highlights the cohesive role played by in-text references in the construction of coherence and in the discursive-argumentative projection of the texts. Thus, it is noticeable that the anaphoric mechanisms of resumption and recategorization of discourse objects in the textual plane, when applied in a modularized way, contribute to a reflexive use of language and act as paramount resources in the construction of meaning.
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