The toponym ‘Roraima’ used in blend words




Cruzamento vocabular; Composição; Léxico; Roraima.


The present paper is comprised within the field of Lexical Morphology, more specifically of word blend, and aims to analyze blend words stemming from the toponym ‘Roraima’, with attention to morphophonological, orthographic and discursive aspects. The methodology consists of identifying and collecting the corpus (57 words), which tasks were conducted mostly online, and complemented by in loco observation in the city of Boa Vista (RR). Results show that ‘Roraima’ is a productive lexical basis for the formation of new commercial and institutional toponyms in the city of Boa Vista, where ‘Rorai-’, ‘-raima’ or ‘-aima’ are combined with other words. Word blend also implies other morphological and phonological processes, such as acronym formation, monotongation and the use of bound forms and suffixoids. These blend words highlight the identity and sociolinguistic features of the Portuguese spoken in the state of Roraima, especially in relation to trade.


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Author Biographies

Eliabe Procópio, Universidade Federal de Roraima (UFRR/Brasil)

Eliabe Procópio is doing a post-doctoral internship at the Postgraduate Program in Letters at the Federal University of Sergipe (PPGL-UFS), he is a Doctor in Linguistics and Portuguese Language from the Paulista State University (UNESP-Araraquara) and is a professor at the licentiate and master's degrees in Letters at the University of Roraima (PPGL-UFRR). Develops research in the field of Philology and Sociolinguistics.

Patrícia Lima da Silva, Universidade Federal de Roraima

Patrícia Lima da Silva has a degree in Letters focused in Portuguese and Spanish from the Federal University of Roraima (UFRR). Develops research in the field of Linguistics.



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How to Cite

PROCÓPIO, E.; SILVA, P. L. da. The toponym ‘Roraima’ used in blend words. Language Studies, [S. l.], v. 21, n. 1, p. 9-32, 2023. DOI: 10.22481/el.v21i1.9883. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.