ABSTRACT – Report the experience of promoting an event in the area of Bioinformatics in the interior of a state of the northeast, thus subsidizing new proposals of events with the purpose of popularizing Bioinformatics. The article is an Experience Report on the realization of a Bioinformatics Workshop on the Academic Center of a Federal University. Organized by a Campus Research Group. There was dissemination of knowledge about Bioinformatics in some of its various aspects, lectures given on the following topics: Large-scale Sequencing of Mosquito-Transmitted Viruses, Effects of Human Variability on Infectious Diseases, Molecular Biology of Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria, and a practical workshop on Bioinformatics Applied to Assembly and Annotations of Genomes. Many participants evidenced not knowing the area, but had a very good perspective on it, there was also a network of communication between the participants and the speakers with the intention of solving doubts and also offer contact for future cooperation in research.
Keywords: Computational Biology. Databases, Nucleic Acid. Genome.