Complexity, subjectivity and management of collaborative relationships in the solidarity economy
Solidarity Economy, complexity, subjectivities, managementAbstract
This research aimed to analyze aspects of the individual and collective subjectivity of economic agents representing the Solidarity Economy, from a perspective of managing collaborative relationships. The methodology used was the Case Study and the research data was analyzed based on narrative interviews and the elaboration of semantic networks. Observations and research revealed the importance of recognizing the individual and the collective for the formation of management strategies for collaborative relationships, of understanding what unites and what differentiates a group based on its individualities, and that the dialogue between the individual and the collective moves through the harmonization of profiles in a movement of acceptance of the other, never exclusion or standardization. The challenge of managing collaborative relationships is to promote this meeting through the development of new instruments and the assertive choice of tools, with a view to intertwining rationality and subjectivity to respond to the principles and values of the Solidarity Economy Movement, facilitating the processes of recognition of self and others for collective action.
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