Individual learning, group learning, organizational learning and the performance of HEIs and teachers
Group learning. Individual learning. Individual performance. Organizational learning. Organizational performanceAbstract
This project is part of the Individual Learning, Organizational Learning, Contexts and Performance research line, and aims to investigate what and how teachers learn in teaching, research, extension, and management, the conversion, through socialization and codification, of these IA into OL, the roles of organizational supports in this conversion, and the impacts of IL and OL on the performance of the organizations and the academic staff. The research sites and subjects are the State University of Southwest Bahia (UESB), The Federal University of Ceará, and their teachers. This inferential survey uses Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), structural equations, descriptive statistics, correlations and regressions. This information is valuable in promoting closer ties between teachers' career objectives and HEIs' staff training and institutional development policies, boosting impacts on the objective and subjective performance indicators of teachers and HEIs.
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