Impossibility of wage garnishment: the STJ and the legislative change


  • Claudia de Oliveira Fonseca
  • Luma Motta Fernandes



Human dignity. Impossibility. Patrimonial liability.


The present research rests on the institute of wage immobilization. While the CPC of 1973 treated the salary as absolutely unreliable, the CPC of 2015 established that the salary is unreliable and removed the entry “absolutely”. Thus, the understanding that emanates from the doctrine and also from the jurisprudence is due to the possibility of attachment, having as limit the guarantee of dignified evidence for debtors and their family. A research seeks to investigate how this topic was understood by scholars of subjects and what is the interpretation that the STJ (Superior Court of Justice) has given in the specific case. The present study was based on documentary analysis, jurisprudential analysis and bibliographic review, mainly, such as the works of Marcelo Abelha, Misael Montenegro Júnior and Marcus Vinicius Rios Gonçalves, among others. With a research it was possible to verify how the STJ was building its jurisprudential understanding still under the CPC of 1973 and, even now facing a certain threat of retrogression, a research signals that is not possible to cut or modify its understanding, violating all this jurisprudential construction experienced over the years.


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Author Biographies

Claudia de Oliveira Fonseca

Doutoranda em Direito pela Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA). Mestra em Direito pela Universidade de Brasília (UnB). Professora de Direito Público na Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia (UESB). Advogada. 

Luma Motta Fernandes

Pós-graduada em Direito Processual Civil pela UNIAMÉRICA. Bacharela em Direito pela Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia (UESB). Advogada. 


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CÂMARA, Alexandre Freitas. O Novo Processo Civil Brasileiro. São Paulo: Atlas, 2015.

GONÇALVES, Marcus Vinícius Rios. Direito Processual Civil Esquematizado. 8ª edição. São Paulo: Saraiva, 2017.

MACHADO, Antônio Cláudio da Costa. Código de Processo Civil Interpretado: artigo por artigo, parágrafo por parágrafo. 6ª edição, revista e atual. Barueri, São Paulo: Manole, 2007.

MONTENEGRO FILHO, Misael. Curso de Direito Processual Civil. 12ª edição, reform. e atual. São Paulo: Atlas, 2016.

NEVES, Daniel Amorim Assumpção. Manual de Direito Processual Civil – Volume único. 10ª. edição. Salvador: Ed. JusPodivm, 2018.

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How to Cite

de Oliveira Fonseca, C. ., & Motta Fernandes , L. . (2021). Impossibility of wage garnishment: the STJ and the legislative change. Cadernos De Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, 18(31), 192-206.