The art of translating: translations and the debate on grammar, classical languages, european vernaculars, puritas, writing and literate consuetudo in portugal from the 16th to the 18th centuries
Translation, Vernacular grammars, Puritas, Literate custom, ScriptureAbstract
This study aims at understanding two opposite translation practices in the Portuguese Empire among the 16th and the 18th centuries: one supported that the good translation should focus on setting exact lexical equivalences between the original and the translated text – obviously it’s necessary to set the limits that the differences between the source and the target languages impose to the translation act itself, and consider what each translator understands by translation word by word -, and the other which established as its task the determination of equipoises between frasical or oracional unities. As we will try to demonstrate over this study, the diverse translation practices implicate very distinct comprehension of the differential value of the source and target languages, considering that in our corpus the source texts where written in Greek and Latin. In the differential value of the source and target languages it is implied another question: that on the grammatical quarrel about the superiority of the classical languages over the modern ones. Here, we will try to solve this specific set of problems.
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