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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • the file to be submitted in the online system must be docx without identification of the authors
    and at the same time, another file with the authors' identification must be sent to the journal's email
  • Articles submitted to the Geopauta magazine will be free of charge, from submission, peer review, layout and editing.
    The linguistic and textual revision and translation into English will be the responsibility of the author. As well as all content responsibilities
  • Authors must insert all the text and data of the article in the Magazine Template, on the Magazine's sidebar homepage or available in the news channel - Magazine Template.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word docx format, (inserted in the magazine template)
  • The text complies with the rules explained in the guidelines for authors; uses a 12-point font; photographs, images, drawings, maps, graphs, charts and tables must be inserted in the text, not at the end of the document in the form of attachments. Titles of photographs, images, drawings, maps, graphs, tables and tables and font at the bottom, in line with the illustration
  • URLs for referrals were provided when possible.
  • All authors are aware of and agree with the submission conditions and Guidelines for Authors of the Journal.
  • All authors must be registered with ORCID ( and provide an access link in their profile.
  • If the results of the research mentioned in the article are from the medical field involving humans and animals, the article must be in line with the norms of the ethics committee
  • Make the registration in the system and subsequent access, by means of login and password, are mandatory for the submission of works, as well as to accompany the ongoing editorial process. Login to an existing account or Register a new account.
  • The contribution is original and unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, it must be justified in "Comments to the editor".
  • The text follows the style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Guidelines for Authors,, on the About the Journal page.
  • Insert article text into the Magazine Template- Downloa dable template in english language

Author Guidelines

Guidelines for Authors

Code of Conduct and Good Practices

The Geopauta is committed to meeting and maintaining standards of ethical behavior at all stages of the publication process. The Geopauta journal follows the guidelines of the Code of Conduct and Good Practices, such as the Publication Ethics Committee (COPE)ABEC, WMADHELSINKI   end the Guia de boas práticas para o fortalecimento da ética na publicação científica da SciELO      
The Geopauta journal is a signatory of the good practices recommended by DORA, (San Francisco declaration on research evaluation).
The author should also consult the international ethical guidelines for research involving human beings and animals such as the (Declaration of Helsinki, International Guidelines for Biomedical Research involving Human Beings - CIOMS) and Brazilian (CNS Resolution 196/96 and complementary). Such guidelines emphasize the need for ethical and scientific review of research involving human beings, aiming to safeguard the dignity, rights, safety and well-being of the research subject.

Guidelines for authors on open science

The (Open Science) movement proposes guidelines for collaborative, shared and public scientific practice. In line with the Open Science guidelines, A Geopauta adopts a series of practices, such as the open access policy, the code of good practices for editors and the use of social networks to disseminate published works. In addition, it requires the precise indication of the role of each of the authors in articles with multiple authorship, encourages the sharing of analysis datasets, instruments, statistical analysis scripts, scripts and additional materials, available in open online repositories, such as, for example,  ScieloZenodoFigshare and OSF, if they cannot be published in the work itself, and this information must be indicated in the manuscript. Consequently, the articles that communicate research should indicate and reference the availability of the contents underlying the elaboration of the research and the results obtained.
In addition, the journal encourages the publication of preprint articles on public platforms, such as  PreprintsSciELO and  Psyarxiv, so that, if necessary, they are openly discussed before being published. If the author intends to publish in preprints format, we provide the Scielo open science compliance form and, according to the Open Science statement, we indicate that files containing research data (codes, methods and other materials used and resulting from research) be made available in the manuscript itself or in an open online repository, such as  ZenodoFigshare and OSF, and the link must be disclosed in the text of the article.

Ethics, Misconduct, Negligence and Conflict of Interest
The Geopauta journal values ​​the integrity of the construction of knowledge, the agreement on international ethical standards, expected by all those involved with the publication: authors, editors, reviewers and publisher. Cases of misconduct and negligence will be investigated by the scientific council and in the event of a close relationship with people, institutions or places, attention must be redoubled to avoid a conflict of interest. In this sense, authors and reviewers are requested to contact the Editorial Board of the Journal in case of: Personal and institutional links and conflicts (of a family and partisan nature) between reviewers and authors;
Geopauta is committed to meeting and maintaining standards of ethical behavior at all stages of the publication process. We closely follow the associations that are reference, such as the Publication Ethics Committee  (COPE)ABEC, WMADHELSINKI Geopauta journal is a signatory of the good practices recommended by DORA, (San Francisco declaration on research evaluation).
We are implementing SciELO. Guide to promoting the opening, transparency, and reproducibility of research published by SciELO journals:  and the Guide to Good Practices for Strengthening Ethics in Scientific Publishing :
For submissions to Preprints, the author must fill in the Open Science Compliance Form:

Controversy cases - Actions against misconduct and negligence
cases of controversy and misconduct arising from the submission and publication process of articles will be resolved according to the individuality of each case. In this sense, authors and reviewers or any other person are requested to contact the Editorial Board of the Journal in case of a case of controversy and misconduct on both sides. All parties must have the opportunity to fully defend their arguments;
- In cases where misconduct is proven, legal steps will be taken to resolve the problem or even delete the article when applicable.

Publication Guidelines

GEOPAUTA is an open access magazine that publishes free articles in the area of ​​geography and related areas with the following publication standards:
 All works must be unpublished.
 Submissions will be accepted in the following languages: Portuguese, eventually in Spanish and English. The article must be presented in the original language of the author (s). In the case of an article in English or Spanish, it must also be translated into Portuguese. Translation is the responsibility of the author (s).
The submitted article may have a maximum of two or three authors.

When there are two authors or three authors, the contribution of each one in the elaboration of the article must be indicated using two minimum authorship criteria  we indicate that the authors use the Credit Taxonomy  - pointing out  What was the participation of each one in the discussion of the results ; B. What was the participation in the review and approval of the final version of the work
This information must appear at the end of the manuscript, after the references, as follows:
Each tenderer may only submit one article per issue and at most one submission per year (starting the deadline counting from the final evaluation result and publication of their last submission)
The file submitted for evaluation cannot contain any information that identifies the author (s). (In the evaluation stage, the author (s) are identified by their metadata.) The author should send another file in docx format with the identification of the authors to the email

Formatting and extension of texts, see journal template:

- in Word

- A4 sheet

- margins: 2.5 cm

- source: Palatino, size 12

- 1.5 cm between the lines (no indentation and no spacing)

- without page number

- the files can not exceed 2.5 Mb

the article must be between 8 and 28 pages

for articles with up to 10 pages you should have a maximum of 3 maps, photos, graphics, frame,tables, etc.

between 10 and 28 pages must have a maximum of 6 maps, photos, graphics, frame,tables etc, of each

Sections (maximum number of pages):

Articles (28 p.) - copyrights with a theme and / or geographical approach,

The text must be duly proofread by the author.

The editorial committee will review to adapt the Journal's standards, propose adjustments and/or necessary changes to standardization and normalization. Texts that present many problems with form, style and/or adequacy to the journal's standards will be rejected.

All articles receive identification Digital object identifier (DOI).

Form of presentation:

The title must have the first word and proper names in capital letters (in Portuguese, English and Spanish).
Every article must have an abstract of up to 120 words and 3 to 5 keywords, followed by the title with the name abstract, abstract and resume. At the end of the abstract 3 to 5 Keywords/keywords/keywords.

Avoid bold italics and underlining in the text, use only for words of foreign origin and highlights that they deem essential in the text. According to ABNT standard ABNT(10520/2023); Apa (7th) (for articles by English or native Spanish-speaking authors

Illustrations, charts, tables, maps, graphs and photos must be consistent with the text, have good resolution (300DPI) and be in the body of the text, close to the point where they are cited.
The text must comply with ABNT 10520/2023 standards; 6022/2018; 6023/2018; Palatino Linotype font 12 points; photographs, images, drawings, maps, graphs, charts and tables must be inserted in the text, not at the end of the document in the form of attachments. Titles of photographs, images, drawings, maps, graphs, charts and tables must be inserted at the top and font at the bottom, aligned with the illustration


- up to 3 lines: in the body of the text, between quotation marks and without italics;

- above 3 lines: in body 11, between single lines, indentation to the left of 4 cm; - Literal quotations: surname of the author, date of publication and page (s) cited, according to the example: (SANTOS, 1994, p.30) or (Harvey, 2013, p.94). The complete reference of the cited work must be included in the References at the end of the article.

References (ABNT 6023/2018)

Book: SILVA, J. A .. Instructions for authors. X ed. City: Editora, 1954. Xx p.

Book chapter:

SILVA, J.A .; SANTOS, P. A .. Instructions for authors. In Instructions for authors. X ed. City: Publisher, 20xx. Xx p.


SILVA, J.A .; SANTOS, P. A .. Instructions for authors. Revista, Ano XX, n. x. City: 20xx.


SILVA, J. A .. Instructions for authors. In Instructions for authors. Available at: Access in: xx / xx / 20xx

Dissertations / Theses:

SILVA, J. A .. Instructions for authors. PhD Thesis / Master's Dissertation presented to the Graduate Program in Geosciences of the University / Research Institution, 20xx. Xxx p.

for articles in Spanish and / or English References APA6ª

- book:

SURNAME, I. N. A. [Author Name Initials]. Book's title. City of publication: Publisher, year.

- book chapter:

SURNAME, A. C. [Author of the Chapter]. Title of chapter. In: SURNAME, O.

  1. [Book Organizer] (Org.). Book's title. City of publication:

Publisher, year.

- Journal article:

NAME OF THE ARTICLE. Periodical Title, City, Volume,

number, pages (initial and final), year.

- thesis / dissertation / monograph:

SURNAME, I. N. A. Title: subtitle. Thesis / Dissertation / Monograph

(Doctorate / Master's degree / Undergraduate in [Area of ​​Knowledge]) -

Institute / Faculty, University, City, year.


Continuous demand articles

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The names and addresses informed in this magazine will be used exclusively for the services provided by this publication, and will not be made available for other purposes or to third parties