Expansion of COVID 19 in the State of Ceará: specialization from the elderly population of the municipality of Milhã – CE





Pandemic, Scratchs, Territorial Management, Health


The present study spatializes the elderly population of the municipality of Milhã - Ceará by census sectors in three categories: Number of inhabitants, literate population and head of household population, in line with the analysis of the expansion of the virus and hospital bed occupancy rates in the municipalities of the state of Ceará. Ceará. For this purpose, data from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics - IBGE for the year 2010 and records on COVID-19 at the Ceará Health Department were adopted. Thus, it was possible to identify that rural areas have a greater amount of elderly population than urban areas, and that a large part of this population is the head of the family, without access to literacy and living far from health care centers.


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Author Biography

Epaminondes Pinheiro Machado Neto, Universidade Estadual do Ceará - Uece, Fotaleza-Ceará-Brasil

Doctoral student at the State University of Ceará - Uece, Fotaleza-Ceará-Brazil


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How to Cite

MACHADO NETO, E. P. Expansion of COVID 19 in the State of Ceará: specialization from the elderly population of the municipality of Milhã – CE. Geopauta, [S. l.], v. 6, p. e10595, 2023. DOI: 10.22481/rg.v6.e2022.e10595. Disponível em: https://periodicos2.uesb.br/index.php/geo/article/view/10595. Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.



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