Dossier: XX SBGFA, IV ELAAGFA - Physical Geography in the Context of Global Environmental Changes: New Challenges and Perspectives
epistemology of geography, dossier, physical geography, SDG, capitaloceneAbstract
The dossier presented here is part of the selection of some of the articles evaluated by the Scientific Committee of the XX Brazilian Symposium on Applied Physical Geography and the IV Luso-Afro-American Meeting on Physical Geography and Environment, designed to promote debate and dissemination of scientific knowledge produced in the field of Physical Geography, Afro-American and European. The selected research debates emerging themes in the current global context with great relevance to contemporary society, covering the advances of geographical science, as well as its research in the context of the Relationship between Society and Nature and the use of techniques and technologies aimed at different applications of geography, the promotion of resilient cities and the improvement of goals to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals - SDGs, advocated by the United Nations for the 21st Century.
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