Recognizing water geography and/or hydrogeography in academic and scientific production of Brazilian geography
Geography, Water Geography, hydrogeography, geography, water geographyAbstract
In this article we propose a reflection on the existence and recognition of a “Geography of Waters” and/or also called “Hydrogeography” in Brazilian geography, seeking answers to the following questions: Do they have the same conceptual definition and meaning? Or are they understood and defined differently? Has Brazilian geography, through its academic and scientific publications, already recognized and defended its existence? Answered through the world wide web, using online databases such as: SciELO, WorldWebScience, Portal Periódicos Capes and the Google search site on the following keywords: geography of waters and hydrogeography. Recognizing the defense, even in a quantitative way still small, but with great and rich qualitative content, of its existence in Brazilian geography.
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