The intensive use of social networks and the restructuring in the working environment of companies in a middle-sized city in Bahia
Cidade média; Reestruturação produtiva; Redes sociaisAbstract
This research aimed to investigate the restructuring in the work environment of companies in a medium city, from the more intensive use of social networks. In methodological terms, for the article in question we used exploratory and descriptive research, with a quantitative approach. The strategy for data collection was on field research, with the participation of companies in the apparel segment, in Vitória da Conquista, the second most important city in the state of Bahia. It was verified that 86,67% of the cases are the employees themselves who are entrusted with the implementation of the management of social networks, showing a process of adaptation of the employees to the reality imposed by the new technological resources in the scope of social networks.
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