Environmental perceptions of conservation units: a study on the Bateias and Jurema lagoons in Vitória da Conquista (BA)
Environmental Conservation; Units of Urban Conservation; Environmental perceptionAbstract
This article is the result of the research that investigated the environmental perception of the residents of the Urban Municipal Parks of Lagoas das Bateias and Jurema (Vitória da Conquista, BA). Based on an empirical-bibliographic methodology, made up of three phases: bibliographical review, field research (including focus group) and data analysis, the importance of environmental conservation based on perceptions and representations about these Conservation Units (UC). The article thus contributes to the knowledge of instruments such as the influence of representation, the legal obligation and the imperative to protect these (UC). The analysis provides subsidies for the city's environmental policy, especially with regard to the subjectivities of (re) production of the urban space.
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