Rural development and water access policies in the Northeast: a study of the water for all programme in Aracatu-BA
Rural development. Public policies. Access to water.Abstract
This study seeks to analyze rural development through public policies and how they emerge in rural areas of the Brazilian Northeast, and takes as a basis a research conducted in the municipality of Aracatu - BA with the implementation of the Programa Água para Todos, in the construction of rainwater catchment cisterns that have modified the dynamics of families living in rural areas. Alcantara, Costa (2010) Araujo (2000) and Schneider (2004) are used as theoretical contributions. The methodological procedures adopted were: application of questionnaires, desk research and preparation of graphs, tables, charts and maps for the analysis and considerations of the work. Thus, public policies on access to water have configured a new reality for rural families in Aracatu-BA.
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