Zoneamento de risco agroclimático para o limão (citrus aurantifolia) na bacia hidrográfica do Rio Paraná III, Brasil




El limonero es una de las variedades de frutas más importantes de Brasil, considerado el quinto mayor productor mundial. El propósito de este estudio fue realizar la zonificación del riesgo agroclimático para el limón (Citrus aurantifolia) en la cuenca del río Paraná III. Se elaboraron mapas técnicos mediante interpolación y regresiones, y gráficos para las probabilidades de análisis de riesgos. El riesgo agroclimático para el limón se estableció de acuerdo con los requisitos de la especie, tales como precipitación, deficiencia de agua, temperatura media y máxima del aire, unidad térmica / grados días y riesgo de heladas. La mayor parte del área de la cuenca era apta para el cultivo. No se encontraron áreas inactivas para el cultivo, solo restringir, exhibiendo un potencial considerable para el cultivo de limón, en la región de estudio.


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Author Biographies

Nathan Felipe da Silva Caldana, Universidade Estadual de Londrina- UEL- Brazil

Graduated in Geography at the State University of Londrina (UEL). Master in Environmental Engineering in the research line Air Pollution and Atmospheric Processes by the Postgraduate Program in Environmental Engineering (PPGEA) of the Federal Technological University of Paraná (UTFPR). PhD student in Agronomy by the Graduate Program in Agronomy at the State University of Londrina, in the Phytotechnics research line, with an emphasis on Agrometeorology. Research fellow at the Instituto Agronômico do Paraná - IAPAR / ITAIPU Binacional, with emphasis on Agroclimatic Risk Zoning.

Daniel Soares Alves, Instituto Agronômico do Paraná - IAPAR.- Brazil

Agronomist graduated from the Federal University of Minas Gerais where he worked, for 3 years, as a fellow in the Tutorial Education Program (PET). Developed research works aiming at the domestication and cultivation of medicinal species on an industrial scale in multinational pharmaceutical companies (Merck and Quercegen Agronegócios I). He has a specialization in Rural Administration from the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA), a master's degree in Agronomy from the State University of Maringá (UEM) and a doctorate in Agricultural Systems Engineering from the Luiz de Queiroz Higher School of Agriculture (ESALQ / USP). of Plant Ecophysiology of the Instituto Agronômico do Paraná in the area of ​​plant ecophysiology, carrying out works aimed at water relations and crop production and as a professor at the Philadelphia University Center (UNIFIL) teaching disciplines of Topography and Geoprocessing applied to Agriculture, Hydraulics, Irrigation and Drainage. Has agronomic experience in the areas of Irrigation, Fertigation, Plant Physiology, Soil Fertility, Propagation and Plant Management

Jorge Alberto Martins, Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná - UTFPR- Brazil

Graduated in Physics from the State University of Londrina (1993), Master in Meteorology from the National Institute for Space Research (1999) and PhD in Meteorology from the University of São Paulo (2006), with an internship at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology - Hamburg (2005) ). Acts as professor of the Undergraduate Course in Environmental Engineering and the Postgraduate Program in Environmental Engineering at the Federal Technological University of Paraná - UTFPR, Londrina Campus. He chaired the preparation of the proposal for the creation of the UTFPR Graduate Program in Environmental Engineering, having been its coordinator in the period 2012-2014. He was a Visiting Researcher at the Division of Water Resources Engineering - Lund University in the period 2017-2018. He has experience in Physical Meteorology and Hydrology, acting mainly on the following topics: Air pollution, aerosol-cloud-precipitation interaction, hailstorms, atmospheric and hydrological modeling of the impact of human activities, remote sensing of the Earth's surface and meteorological and climatic events extremes.
Enviar feedback


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How to Cite

CALDANA, N. F. da S.; ALVES, D. S.; MARTINS, J. A. Zoneamento de risco agroclimático para o limão (citrus aurantifolia) na bacia hidrográfica do Rio Paraná III, Brasil. Geopauta, [S. l.], v. 4, n. 2, p. 53-70, 2020. DOI: 10.22481/rg.v4i2.6457. Disponível em: Acesso em: 6 mar. 2025.



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