Between the real indian and the imagined indian: study of perception on the view of metropolitan residents about contemporary indigenous communities
Comunidades indígenas, metrópole, percepçãoAbstract
This paper is a result of the master's dissertation entitled “Aqui e Lá: Olhares e fronteiras entre a comunidade indígena Pataxó e a sociedade envolvente de Carmésia/MG”, presented to the Department of Geography of the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, with the purpose of evaluating the perception established in the metropolis about the indigenous communities today. For this, it used a qualitative methodology, through in-depth interviews conducted with semi-structured script with residents of Belo Horizonte, in addition to the elaboration of mental maps by elementary school students from a public school in a city in the metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte. The main results point to a divergence between the real indian and the indian that exists in people's perception
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